
Category: Life As I Know It

New Blog? Kinda.

It’s been a while, a long while, since I last blogged. It’s been well over a year, and in that time I allowed my hosting to lapse, which means all of my past posts, almost two decades worth, were deleted. Thankfully, I kept my domain name paid so I didn’t lose that. But it kinda feels like a fresh start, in the blogging word that is.

Is there even much of a blogging world left?

It really doesn’t matter if there is or isn’t because I am not wanting to revive this blog for others. It’s that old cliche of wanting to do it for myself and not for others. I know how that sounds, but it’s true.

See, I’m a writer by nature. In middle school, I was creating short horror stories, albeit they were rudimentary at best, but I was writing, doing something that I loved. My parents, under the guise of Santa Clause, gifted me my first electric typewriter when I was barely a teen. I even became a content writer for various companies, working freelance since 2004. Although the work could be rather bland since a lot of the writing was more technical and less creative, I still loved it.

Unfortunately, AI has pretty much made the content writing field obsolete. I still get work, but it’s few and far between, and nowhere near as lucrative as it once was.

Oh well. I can’t stop AI, so I’m just going to try to embrace it before they go all Skynet on us.

Anyway, here’s to a fresh start!